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How to install and connect Inventory Mate.

To get started with Inventory Mate, follow these steps:

Go to the Integrations Page

Navigate to the Integrations page in your Inventory Mate account.

Connect a New Shop

  1. Click the Connect New Shop button and enter your primary Shopify store URL in this format:

  2. You will be directed to install the Inventory Mate app on your Shopify store. Follow the prompts to complete the installation.

  3. Once the installation is complete, you will be redirected back to Inventory Mate.

Set Up Your Shop's Default Planning Settings

Configure your shop's default inventory planning settings:

  • Default Lead Time (days):
    The average number of days it takes for inventory to arrive after placing a purchase order.

  • Default Days of Stock:
    The number of days you aim to keep inventory on hand to meet customer demand.

  • Default Forecasting Days:
    The number of days for which Inventory Mate will predict demand to guide your stock replenishment.

Once these settings are configured, you're ready to start optimizing your inventory with Inventory Mate!